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(Second Foreign Language a!)7B1012219 ,{瀛Y闊筨! (Second Foreign Language b!)7B101222 'Yf[SO鐬?1) 铮礟hysical education I 铮 B151101 'Yf[SO鐬?2) 铮礟hysical education a! 铮 B151102 'Yf[SO鐬?3) 铮礟hysical education b! 铮 B151103 'Yf[SO鐬?4) 铮礟hysical education c! 铮 B151104( 'Yf[顢愭⒋:g槎篅x 铮礥niversity Computer Foundation 铮 'B031002 閰`绾?} 铮礗nformation Retrieval 铮鈧尡B031003姹哄┎t绨铮祄ilitary theory 铮B1910030 'Yf[uL鈧Nu鐥啿R 铮礐areer Planning for College Students 铮 /B191001? RNYe鐬N1\Nc榛 N 铮礒ntrepreneurship education and careers guidance铮? 铮 铮 ;<=B081004? RNYe鐬N1\Nc榛 N 铮礒ntrepreneurship education and careers guidance铮? 铮 铮 ;<=B191002M瑜冣偓b瑁嘦\Nf[瑜NN淇扮皑 (Introduction of Major and Development of Science and Technology)B101204"鐮団墽Ye鐬?1) (Field Work Internship(1)) 1hTL101001楝?e閴x"鐮団墽Ye鐬?2) (Field W< ork Internship(2))L101002\顢t閷|铮?2.5~61.5铮 鍣€瑜儃|铮?1铮 +,{瀛Y闊 铮 2铮甸紖T }( 鎰礝睢00 gNO浜疊lf[R铮?0s閼铮甸紖T }( 鎰礝睢弡|+R瀹糴:N`楠?e绫t绨0绡樺檧>y瑜0闄?q瑜僨[0锜窷m顢t0鐬糞O鐬0Y闊笽{mQ{| 铮妤奜Y10f[RN鑷簕?Wd?gNN{|+R閷Y鍓塿QYO韪亄|睢 z-N楂\T闋為簮1閽 铮`楠?e绫t绨{|闋為簮2閽 铮礷[u铚Nt^顫_钖 鎰礝榧T }(宄恊鐬 鎰礝睢0 3.NN槎篅x鑷洪牉睢0 gNO浜疊lf[R铮?6睢 zT楗?椐涢煿閴欓煿鐎冪摂(1) (English Speaking1)B103221)椐涢煿閴欓煿鐎冪摂(2) (English Speaking2)B1032225椐涢煿鑼?T榄?1) (Audio-Visual Oral English 1)B1032315椐涢煿鑼?T榄?2) (Audio-Visual Oral English 2)B1032325椐涢煿鑼?T榄?3) (Audio-Visual Oral English 3)B1032335椐涢煿鑼?T榄?4) (Audio-Visual Oral English 4)B103234*椐涢煿姗痋O(1) (English Writing1)B103209*椐涢煿姗痋O(2) (English Writing2)B103210Mxvz绛Nf[/g姗痋O 铮礡esearch Methods and Academic Writing 铮 B103225*椐涢煿妗?1) (Extensive Reading1)B103212+椐涢煿妗?2) (Extensive Reading2)B103213$椐涢煿锜竫Q妗铮? 铮 铮礒nglishClassics Reading1 铮B103228&椐涢煿锜竫Q妗铮? 铮 铮礒nglish Classics Reading 2)B103229*榧T椐涢煿(1) (Integrated English1)B103215+榧T椐涢煿(2) (Integrated English2)B103216*榧T椐涢煿(3) (Integrated English3)B103217*榧T椐涢煿(4) (Integrated English4)B103218'澹抏鍣€f楱 (History of Western Civilization)B103230椐涢煿闊硅 (English Grammar)B103226椐涢煿o鐭 (English Speech)B1032354.NN8h鑳堫 gNO浜疊lf[R铮?8璨ь潉椐涢煿(1) (Advanced English1)B104201璨ь潉椐涢煿(2) (Advanced English2)B104202椐汭l/Il椐{瑜 (E-C/ C-E Translation )B104209椐涢綆鍣€f[楱 (English Literature)B104204榻庡檧f[楱 (American Literature)B104205-椐涢煿闊濂籟榛愮皑 (Introduction to English Linguistics)B104206椐汭l/Il椐涢墮瑜 (E-C/C-E Interpreting)B1042105.NN绛T睢0 绛TN铮佃鈧琤椐涢煿绛T 铮?瑜冣偓b鍣€SON瑜 (EST Style and Translation)B1052122瑜冣偓b鍣€.s妗 (English Reading on Science and Technology)B105203*瑜冣偓bN妲濋墮瑜 铮礢ci-tech Topic-based Interpreting 铮B1052130閷N閸傝寭淇扮皑 铮礎n Introduction to Industrial Knowledge)B105219-瑜樷偓b/gN鐎冮瘓 铮礣ranslation Technology and Practice 铮B105214 绛T瀛铮甸煿濡礶S绛T 铮?鍣€f[鍣€SN瑜 (Literary and Cultural Translation)B105207闊濂籟Am>m (Schools of Linguistics)B1052087闊濡礶SN妲濋墮瑜 铮礚anguage & Culture Topic-based Interpreting 铮B1052153 澹抏`楠煾xQ 铮礖eritage of Western Intellectual Tradition 铮2B105210$閼藉檧S顥碋 (Cross-cultural Communication)B105211绛T N铮甸綆E?N鍣€Ye鐬肩T 铮鐨婇墧Il闊 (Modern Chinese)B105216FIl闊归綆E鏈癳鐬间堪绨 (An Introduction to Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language)B105217:榈YIl闊筜ef[瑾 (Method of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language)B1052184-N榻庡檧S鎯 (Introduction to Chinese Traditional Culture)B1052200-N榻庣殜S_閴斿檧f[ (Modern and Contemporary Chinese Liture)B105221绛T韪铮代S閬N榻?Rxvz绛T 铮?:S閬N榻?Rxvz绛绨 (Methodology for Regional and Country Studies)B1052228榻嶦xvz鎿?u椐涢煿铮礟rofessional English for international studies 铮B105223N&^N椋N妲铮礏&R studies 铮B105224=榻嶦鏌瞺鑾NhQt绫t (International Organizations and Global Governance)B105225='k2m瑜冣偓bNYe鐬?eV{ (European Science,Techonology and Education Policy)B1052266.NN楦 鎱0 gNO浜疊lf[R铮?3-椐汭l闊濠沎瑭 铮礐ontrast Between English and Chinese 铮B106221^JT椐涢煿 (Advertising English)B106218?椐涢煿顧 R 鎱 (Selected Readings in English Newspapers and Magazines)B106219+椐涢煿顭皑 铮礐ritical Thinking and English Debate 铮B106220椐涢煿鍣€SOf[ (English Stylistics)B106222#瑾板獕椐涢煿 (Legal Translation in English)B106202%榻嶦?f鐎冾摌 (International Trade Practice)B106203鎿?u瑜 (Applied Translation)B1063012顢愭⒋:g鍘彂瑜冣偓b瑜 (CAT English for Science and Technology)B1062040椐涢煿T\OO宕榞 (Selected Readings of English Literature)B106205 瑜榎OO宕榞 (Translation Appreciation )B106206q_鑼瑜 (Audiovisual Translation)B106214閴欒鐎冾摌 (Interpreting Practice)B106211,{瀛Y闊 F(4) (Franais c!)B106312,{瀛Y闊 G (4) (Deutsch c!)B106313,{瀛Y闊 J (4) (閷?g鐎 c!)B106314,{瀛Y闊筀铮? 铮 (Korean c!)B106326FU顡橀闊 (Business English)B1063276椐涢煿榻庣Π>yON鍣€S 铮礗ntroduction to English-Speaking Countries 铮B1063282椐涢煿Yef[瑾 (Approaches and Methods in English Teaching)B106315椐涢煿铔珿lf[ (English Lexicology)B1062171鑸?n椐涢煿 铮礣ourism English)B106319鐧抽簻椐涢煿 (News English)B106321%澹抏瑜t绨 (Western Translation Theories)B1063295>yO灞絞N閭侇攼鎿?u (Social Survey and Statistics Application)B106331閵奸墧Il闊 (Traditional Chinese)B106332 7.鑼?N'`鐎冮瘓鐥靛€ gNO浜疊lf[R铮?0鐎冮瘓鐥靛€怲楗hTpe姹哄┎鈧琤榻B197004%NN顦伴崅鐎冮瘓 (Major Recognition Internship)1B107201'NN鈧琤榻诡槹閸傜€冮瘓铮R绛T 铮 (Situa< tional internship )B1072021\N顦伴崅鐎冮瘓 (Internship for Career)B107203B107204榻嶦鏋籒Am (international exchange)B107306Rce*R鐧RN鐎冮瘓 ( Innovation and entrepreneurship )B107307B107208ASN0睢 z钖旇洔钄涢牉楹c榛愰穪鐣睢 z钖旇洔闋為簮c榛愰穪鐣?椐涢煿閴欓煿鐎冪摂(1) (English Speaking1)English Speaking 1, a mandatory course for English major students, covers 32 credit hours over 16 weeks per semester. In this course, students will learn to:master the basic speaking skills; use English in daily conversation fluently and appropriately; improve English proficiency in Speaking; try to correct your pronunciation through imitation and practice. This course is also designed to help prepare you for using English in all aspects. You are expected to do homework independently after each lecture. You have to practice English speaking after class and make presentations during class. During class, you will also have chances to do in-class practice. $椐涢煿閴欓煿鐎冪摂(2) (English Speaking2)English Speaking 2 is a compulsory course for English major freshmen. It aims at helping students master the basic speaking skills; use English in daily conversation fluently and appropriately; improve English proficiency in Speaking; learn to talk with English speakers on some daily issues fluently; This course is also designed to help prepare students for using English in all aspects.HYou are expected to do homework independently after each lecture. You have to practice English speaking after class and make presentations during class. During class, you will also have chances to do in-class practice. Moreover, you will receive detailed feedback from your instructor on your homework and in-class performance. ,椐涢煿鑼?T榄?1) (Audio-Visual Oral English 1)Audio-visual-oral English (1) is a compulsory course for freshmen of English majors in the first semester. The contents of this course include skills in listening comprehension and oral expression, linguistic knowledge and relative social and cultural background knowledge, the ability of using language and training critical thinking abilities while taking knowledge, enjoyment and significance of ideological education into consideration. Audio-visual-oral texts have close connection with students study and social life with wide topics, rich materials and the contents are easy and orderly. Each unit starts with one different topic with covering personal life experiences, social and cultural life, education, and scientific development, etc, such familiar topics. The materials usually are such oral materials like situational dialogue, special remarks, academic speeches, debates, TV programs and episodes of movies, etc. The listening skills focuses on grasping main ideas, the ability to catch numbers and anticipation (prediction). tIn class you are expected watch some episodes of certain classic movies and do some exercises following it. Second, you may listen to some audio materials with special speed, and then do some exercises of oral expressions. And dictation will be taken in class to prepare for TEM 4. You are required to listen to VOA special English and BBC for half an hour each day after class. Quizzes will be taken once one month on the materials in textbook and VOA / BBC listening materials. Your grades of each quiz will occupy certain proportion of your final grades. Some materials in the textbook are expected to listen after class. & & ,椐涢煿鑼?T榄?2) (Audio-Visual Oral English 2)Audio-Visual-Oral English (2), a compulsory basic course for freshmen majoring in English in the second semester. The course covers 32 credit hours in the course which runs for 16 weeks. The course aims to improve students' listening comprehension, speaking competence and to help students understand daily talks of English native speakers, grasp speakers' attitudes, emotions and real intentions in different discourses, identify English varieties, for example American English, British English and Australian English. In this course, you will be able to identify the details in a passage, to summarize the main idea, to retell the information, to take down what you have heard<  in shorthand, and to think critically over the topic you've just heard and make an oral report. You are expected to finish listening to all the additional materials provided by the instructor. One the one hand, the quality of your work will be evaluated, and on the other hand a large part of the materials will be checked in the two quizzes. Attendance at class sessions is mandatory. If you miss the quiz time, there will be no chance to make it up. Please have written proof of a university/college-excused absence if you are absent.,椐涢煿鑼?T榄?3) (Audio-Visual Oral English 3) Audio-visual-oral English铮? 铮 is a compulsory course for sophomore of English majors in the third semester. The contents of this course include linguistic knowledge and relative social and cultural background knowledge, the ability of using language and training critical thinking abilities while taking knowledge, enjoyment and significance of ideological education into consideration. Audio-visual-oral texts have close connection with students study and social life with wide topics, rich materials and the contents are easy and orderly. Each unit starts with one different topic with covering personal life experiences, social and cultural life, education, and scientific development, etc, such familiar topics. The materials usually are special speed oral materials, as situational dialogue, special remarks, academic speeches, debates, TV programs and episodes of movies, etc. One semester (16 weeks, two credit hours each week, two credits) is scheduled for this course.wYou are expected to dictate five passages (each with about 80-90 words) from the listening materials provided before hand or selected by yourself. In each passage, the dictating process and correction should be observed. You are expected to finish listening all the additional materials. On the one hand, the quality of your work will be evaluated, and on the other hand a large part of the materials will be checked in three quizzes. Attendance at class sessions is mandatory. If you miss the quiz time, there will be no chance to make it up. Please have written proof of a university/college-excused absence if you are absent.,椐涢煿鑼?T榄?4) (Audio-Visual Oral English 4)Audio-visual-oral English (4) is a compulsory basic course for sophomores majoring in English. The course is aimed to improve students' listening comprehension, speaking competence and to help students understand daily talks of English native speakers, grasp speakers' attitudes, emotions and real intentions in different discourses, identify English varieties, for example American English, British English and Australian English. Aided by multimedia and network, the course provides students with audio materials (news) in education, employment, medicine, personal development, etc. to enrich students' social and cultural knowledge, strengthen their sensitivity to cultural differences and to lay a solid foundation for advanced study of English, such as Interpretation, Cross-culture Communication.There are 2 credit hours in the course which runs for 16 weeks after students accompolish Audio-Visual-Oral English (1), (2) and (3). In this course, you will learn the following: -Understand rather difficult long conversations in daily life and grasp speakers attitudes, emotions and real intentions. -Comprehend long passages with certain difficulty and depth in fields of economy, culture, entertainment and social life, correctly dictate those sentences closely related to themes and present your own opinions with certain depth. -Comprehend English broadcasting programs from VOA, BBC, CNN, etc., know the news in world economy, politics, military conflicts and master certain amount of lexicons frequently used in new reports. - Dictate a recorded passage with around 150 words at the speaking speed of 120 words per minute within 10 minutes, with error rate below 8%. You will have to dictate 1 passages (each with about 150 words) provided by the instructor each class. They will be graded and feedback will be given to students by the instructo< r in class. You are expected to listen to specific materials in TEM-4 twice a day in March and April. Furthermore, you are expected to finish listening to all the additional materials provided by the instructor. One the one hand, the quality of your work will be evaluated, and on the other hand a large part of the materials will be checked in the two quizzes. Attendance at class sessions is mandatory. If you miss the quiz time, there will be no chance to make it up. Please have written proof of a university/college-excused absence if you are absent.椐涢煿姗痋O(1) (English Writing1) This course is a basic compulsory course for freshmen majoring in English. It covers 32 credit hours over 16 weeks per semester, engaging in multiple writing tasks and exercises integrated with basic knowledge in English writing. We will start from paragraph writing and move on to essay writing, namely writing of narration, description, exposition and argumentation. This course is designed to help prepare you for English Writing 2 and Research Methods and Academic Writing. In this class, you will learn to do the following: -master the basic knowledge of manuscript format and punctuation in formal English writing; -grasp basic strategies and skills to develop paragraphs and four types of essays-narration, description, exposition and argumentation -write longer pieces systematically with proper diction, good grammar, various sentence patterns, clear organization and sufficient supporting details -appreciate the function of different rhetorical devices and employ them into your writing -enhance the ability to analyze problems logically and express them effectively - develop habits of process writing and cultivate the ability to think and write like a writerDuring the whole semester, you will write at least three essays related to narrative essay, descriptive essay, expository essay and argumentative essay, following the process of outlining, drafting, revising, peer reviewing, and editing. You need to save all the hard copies and soft copies of your essays and peer reviews. Additionally, you are expected to finish the relevant exercises and reading assignments in and out of class on your own, and complete other writing assignments in forms of rewrite and imitation. You will do peer review with your partners and develop checklists for each essay or writing assignment. You will receive detailed feedback from your instructor on your writing assignments, exercises and peer work. The feedback will help you know your strengths and weaknesses of English writing and lead you to write more professionally and effectively. Attendance at class sessions and at conferences is mandatory. Please have written proof of a university/ college-excused absence if you are absent. 椐涢煿姗痋O(2) (English Writing2) CThis course is a compulsory course for sophomores majoring in English. It covers 32 credit hours over 16 weeks per semester, exposing students to a variety of genres and writing tasks related to personal life, college, and the workplace. Our focus will be writing for practical purposes, including notes, memos, ads, contracts, personal and business letters, etc.. This course is designed to equip students with essential practical writing skills, paving the way for their writing in the future study and career. In this class, you will learn to do the following: - acquire a comprehensive understanding of practical writing and its significant role in your future career - familiarize with the formats and basic elements of different types of practical English writing - master knowledge and practical writing skills and strategies for specific purposes and scenarios - demonstrate effective revision skills (global revision, editing, and proofreading) that leads to clear, concise and error-free writing - apply the stages of the writing process to practical and workplace writing tasks You will write several practical writings (such as notice, announcement, memos, letters etc) and four kinds of assignments as your professional employment packet according to scenarios in daily life,<  on campus or in the workplace. All in-class and out-of-class assignments needs to be completed in time and independently. Additionally you will expect frequent sample demonstration, group discussion and peer evaluation as well as an interview for your own PEP. Three times of peer review and a mid-term quiz will be done in class during the semester. You will receive detailed feedback from your instructor on your writing assignments, exercises and peer work. The feedback will help you know your strengths and weaknesses of English practical writing and lead you to write more professionally and effectively. In the end you will build a portfolio for this course. Attendance at class sessions and at conferences is mandatory. Please have written proof of a university/ college-excused absence if you are absent. Rxvz绛Nf[/g姗痋O 铮礡esearch Methodology and Academic Writing 铮 Research Methodology and Academic Writing is a compulsory course for English major sophomores. Students will be engaged in multiple writing tasks associated with our lives in various communities. Our focus will be research methodology and academic writing, such as data collection and evaluation, literature review, etc., paving the way for their writing in their future career and further study.You will write at least four kinds of assignments in and out of class including research methods, and something related to academic writing. Additionally three times of peer review and a quiz will be done in class during the whole semester. #椐涢煿妗?1) (Extensive Reading1)This course is recommended for freshmen of the English majors as a compulsory course in the first semester. It is intended to train reading skills, to enlarge students vocabulary, and their schemata about various subjects and fields of study or cultural or social background knowledge, in order to increase their reading efficiency, develop techniques that will help them read with comprehension and read faster and develop their reasoning power. Reading skills covers in this book include: to guess the meaning of new words from the context, to find the main idea of a passage, to distinguish topic from main idea, recognize the pattern of details and learn to write outline. Reading efficiency refers to the accomplishment of a reading task within an appropriate time frame and with appropriate comprehension. Reading flexibility means the ability to adjust the reading rate and methods to suit the type of the material to be read and the purpose for reading. This course is designed as one semester (16weeks, 32periods, with 2 credits).& & #You are expected to take part in classroom activity and extracurricular reading, lecture, reading and discussion in class, students will be responsible for reading Section A for a given time and answering questions on topics covered in the material, and reading Section C as fast reading practice in class. Students are expected to read Home Reading & answer questions on it before coming to class. Other requirements include after-class reading and reports. Students each are required to read some famous novels of simplified edition after class.!椐涢煿妗?2) (Extensive Reading2)This course is recommended for freshmen of the English majors as a compulsory course in the second semester. It targets on strategy training, knowledge learning and cultivate reading abilities. Strategy training include three important reading skills: skimming, scanning and drawing inferences. knowledge learning refers to vocabulary, the linguistic knowledge of syntax and discourse and the social, cultural background knowledge in reading discourse. Ability cultivation mainly focuses on understanding textual language, structure analysis and critical thinking abilities. The course content is arranged with various topics, from social, cultural, educational, scientific, to political, trade and economic fields. etc. This course is designed as one semester (16weeks, 32periods, with 2 credits).& 4You are expected to take part in classroom activity and extracurricular reading, lecture, reading and < discussion in class, students will be responsible for reading Section A for a given time and answering questions on topics covered in the material, and reading Section C as fast reading practice in class. Students are expected to read Home Reading & answer questions on it before coming to class. Other requirements include after-class reading and reports. Students each are required to read extensively on various subjects outside class, esp. famous writings. & English Classics Reading, a compulsory course for English majors in the third semester, covers 16 credit hours over 16 weeks per semester. This course is aimed at enhancing students understanding of the western culture and reading capacity through reading English Classics. Through reading and analyzing English Classics at elementary level ranging from subjects like literature, society and culture etc., students are expected to broaden their horizon through reading the masterpieces of humanity when strengthening their basic skill of reading. Each unit deals with one specific piece of work from literature, historical documents, or sociology in the form of presentation and discussion in class and essay after class. For this course, you are expected to do the following: You are supposed to read 8 pieces of writing before each class. During the class, you are expected to do presentation and participate in the group discussion. An essay will be handed on at the end of the semester. Attendance at class sessions is mandatory. Please have written proof of a university-excused absence if you are absent. Any absence, no matter with permission or without, will lead to a loss of points in your final grade. %椐涢煿锜竫Q妗铮? 铮铮礒nglish Classics Reading 2)English Classics Reading, a compulsory course for English majors in the fourth semester, covers 16 credit hours over 16 weeks per semester. This course is aimed at cultivating their humanistic accomplishment, and improving their cross-cultural communication ability through reading English Classics. Through reading and analyzing English Classics at medium level, ranging from subjects like literature and philosophy etc., students are expected to analyze some issues in the humanities through reading and discussing the masterpieces of humanity when strengthening their basic skill of reading. Each unit deals with one specific piece of work from literature, sociology or philosophy in the form of presentation and discussion in class and essay after class. You are supposed to read 8 pieces of writing before each class. During the class, you are expected to do presentation and participate in the group discussion. An essay will be handed on at the end of the sememster. Attendance at class sessions is mandatory. Please have written proof of a university-excused absence if you are absent. Any absence, no matter with permission or without, will lead to a loss of points in your final grade. !榧T椐涢煿(1) (Integrated English1)Integrated English 1, a mandatory course for freshmen majoring in English, covers 64 credit hours over16 weeks per semester. The course is very comprehensive. In this course, you will: - enlarge English vocabulary. - improve English ability inlistening, speaking, reading, writing and translation. - enlarge English vocabulary so thatyou can easily read and write in English. -have a goodknowledge of word formation rules, rhetorical devices, writing techniques, analysis of complex sentences in English. - learn more about the culture, history, politics by reading passages in a variety of topics. - develop the ability to think independently and critically. This course is also designed to help prepare you for other courses.=In the course, you are expected to develop the ability to learn independently, to preview before class. During class, you will also have chances to do in-class practice which should be finished during class. You are expected to do homework after each lecture; some of them have to be handed on in required format. You will receive detailed feedback from your instructor on your homework and quiz. This feedback will<  help you know the strengths and weaknesses, and it will help you understand what aspects you need to improve in order to increase your chances of passing the final exam. Attendance at class sessions and at conferences is mandatory. Please have written proof of a university-excused absence if you are absent. Any absence, no matter with permission or without, will lead to a loss of points in your final grade. !榧T椐涢煿(2) (Integrated English2)Integrated English 2, a mandatory course for freshmen majoring in English, covers 64 credit hours over 16 weeks per semester. The course is very comprehensive. In this course, you will: - enlarge English vocabulary. - improve English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation. - have a good knowledge of word formation rules, rhetorical devices, writing techniques, analysis of complex sentences in English. - learn more about the culture, history, politics by reading passages in a variety of topics. - develop the ability to think independently and critically. This course is also designed to help prepare you for other course 榧T椐涢煿(3) (Integrated English3)Integrated English 3, a mandatory course for English sophomores, covers 64 credit hours over16 weeks per semester. In this course, you will: - learn to master the frequently used vocabulary, fixed expressions and structures; - learn to appreciate the structure, theme, style and rhetorical features of English articles; - improve English proficiency in Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking and Translation; - develop critical thinking skills; - prepare for taking TEM-4; This course is also designed to help prepare you for other courses.MYou are expected to do homework independently after each lecture; some of them have to be submitted in required format. During class, you will also have chances to do in-class practice which should be finished during class. Moreover, quizzes are designed to help you review your study during the semester. You will receive detailed feedback from your instructor on your homework and quizzes. This feedback will help you know the strengths and weaknesses in your English learning, and it will help you understand what aspects you need to improve in order to increase your chances of passing the exit exam. Attendance at class sessions and at conferences is mandatory. Please have written proof of a university-excused absence if you are absent. Any absence, no matter with permission or without, will lead to a loss of points in your final grade.!榧T椐涢煿(4) (Integrated English4)MElementary English 4, a mandatory course for English sophomores, covers 96 credit hours over 16 weeks per semester. In this course, you will: -cultivate your language sense, master the frequently used vocabulary, fixed expressions and structures, idioms and phrases; -learn to appreciate the structure, theme, style and rhetorical features of English articles and passages, and put them into practice in writing and recognize them in reading and listening; -learn to use English in daily communication and aquire the basic knowledge of English for special usage; -improve English proficiency in Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking and Translation in all; -prepare for taking TEM 4 with training and drilling. -develop the ability of creative thinking and critical thinking. This course is also designed to help prepare you for other courses. You will have in-class practices and after-class tasks. both forms are required to be done independently and in required format. Quizzes and conferences are designed to help you review your study during the semester. You will receive detailed feedback from your instructor on your homework and quiz. It will help you know the strengths and weaknesses of your writing, understand what aspects you need to improve in order to increase your chances of passing the exit exam. Attendance at class sessions and at conferences is mandatory. 椐涢煿闊硅 (English Grammar) This is a one-semester course on English grammar for the college students who major in English as a foreign language in China. The situatio< n leads to the learning objective with three different levels. The elementary: to expand or enrich what has been known about English grammar; to systemize the understanding of English grammar; The intermediate: to speak and write more accurately; from grammar to grammaring; The advanced: to know why some aspects of the English language are the way they are; to consider why Chinese learners tend to make errors or mistakes with respect to some grammatical phenomena; and to know how to design an reliable and valid test on English grammar. There are 32 teaching hours in this course and 2 credits of this course. You will have 5 after-class grammar tasks, as well as one in-class presentation. You are expected to do the tasks independently after each lecture, and endeavor to have a qualified or even excellent performance of the in-class presentation with the topics assigned to you by your instructor. You will receive 60% of your final grade in this semester on your work. Each task, totaled five, along with the presentation would have 6% equally. Meanwhile, you will receive detailed feedback from your instructor on a standardized feedback form, during conferences, discussions or in class. This feedback will help you know the strengths and weaknesses of your English grammar, and it will help you understand what aspects of your grammar you need to improve in order to increase your chances of passing the final exam. Attendance at class sessions and at conferences is mandatory. This part accounts 10% of students whole grade. Please have written proof of a university/college-excused absence if you are absent. 7椐涢煿榻庣Π>yON鍣€S ( Introduction to English-Speaking Countries)In 2017 Teaching Program, the sophomore students needed to spend two semesters, 4 credit hours, in learning this course. In the revised Teaching Program, this course is cut into 2 credit hours, one semester for the English major students, and it is also turned into an optional course instead of a compulsory one. Such operation suggests the diversification of the cultivation purposes, which reflecting the diversified development of our national strategy. By learning this course, the students can acknowledge the general information about the history, society, economy, politics, religion, culture and education of UK and USA. This course doesn t cover other English speaking countries like the Republic of Ireland, Canada, Australia, etc. TThe general survey of UK and USA can help the students construct a brief framework of the two major English countries  UK and USA  in both vertical and horizontal lines. That is: to have a general review of big historical events in a chronological order, and to be familiar with different aspects of the current societies of UK and USA. Strongly suggest the students to read some relevant interesting books in Chinese, since a better knowledge background can surely make the learning easier and more interesting. There are also numerous digital resources on the internet relating to the course.椐涢煿o鐭 (English Speech) English Speech is a one-semester optional course for sophomore students who major in English. After taking this course, Students are expected to: - develop speech skills including how to open and close a speech, how to use body language, how to control voice, etc.; - collect information, and compose and deliver a speech on a certain topic; - make an impromptu speech on a given topic; - improve logically reasoning ability, critical thinking skills and improvisation ability.Your final score consists of scores of class performance, a short speech, and a paper examination. You will be encouraged to get rid of the tension of speaking in public, and be trained to give public speech through in-class practices that are arranged from easy to difficult, some of which will be graded as scores of class performance. A short speech will be given in turn on given topics. You should use the skills learned in this course. A paper examination will be held at the end of the semester. It will be a test mostly on theories.璨ь潉椐涢煿(1) (Advanced English1) Adva< nced English (1), a 16-week course for English majors at tertiary stage, is aimed at training students integrated language skills, especially reading and writing. Through reading and analyzing works chiefly from contemporary anthologies with various subjects ranging from language, literature, education, society, culture, geography, etc., students are expected to have their horizon broadened, understanding of society and life deepened, analysis and appreciation of classics improved, logical thinking strengthened besides the consolidated language skills. Each unit is accompanied by relevant exercises including vocabulary study, reading comprehension, stylistic analysis, and writing. For this course, you are expected to do the following: You are supposed to write a review for each unit and fulfill some writing assignments. You also need to do the words test and the comprehension test for each unit. Attendance at class sessions is mandatory. Please have written proof of a university-excused absence if you are absent. Any absence, no matter with permission or without, will lead to a loss of points in your final grade. 璨ь潉椐涢煿(2) (Advanced English2) oAdvanced English (2), a 4-credit and 16-week course for English majors at tertiary stage, aims at training students ability to understand and appreciate different genres, themes and styles of articles. Through reading and analyzing works chiefly from contemporary anthologies with various subjects ranging from language, literature, education, society, culture, geography, etc., students are expected to broaden their knowledge, deepen their understanding of society and life, improve their analytical ability and logical thinking, and cultivate their literary competence, international vision and cross-cultural awarenessLYou are expected to follow your instructor and finish every assignment and test along the course study of the whole semester. Every effort in the course study will result in your final score. You also need read at least one book from the recommended book list, write reading reports and share the book with your classmates in class.椐汭l/Il椐{瑜 (E-C/C-E Translation ) This is a compulsory core course for the English majors in the first term of the 3rd grade. The course credit is 2 in all, with 32 periods regularly allocated in 16 weeks. The course, set on the basis of the linguistic foundation courses such as intensive and extensive reading, listening, oral English, writing etc., is aimed to improve the students understanding of the western and Chinese translation theories, theorists, and the basic skills, enhance their ability of putting the skills into practice, and intrigue their interest and determination in the inter-lingual translation. As a course of theories, skills and practice of translation, this course principally serves to expand the students knowledge of the basic skills and objective rules of translation study between Chinese and English at the elementary level. With brief introduction of the definition of translation, history of translation studies, it primarily stresses on the practical usage of translation skills, inclined to offer learners more chance in translation practice and drills. Closely connected to Translation Literature and Culture, it not only forms the core of translation studies learning, but benefits the students in the subsequent courses, such as Translation of English for Special Purpose, Interpretation. The course provides a better foundation for the advanced study of the language, culture and translation in all.uYou will have at least 6 after-class translation tasks, as well as 2 in-class translation training exercises. You are expected to do the tasks independently in or after each lecture, and endeavor to achieve excellence for each task. You will receive detailed feedback from your instructor on a standardized feedback form, during conferences, discussions or in class. It will help you know the strengths and weaknesses of your translation, understand what aspects of your translation you need to improve in order to increase your chances of<  passing the final exam. Attendance at class sessions and at conferences is mandatory. 椐涢綆鍣€f[楱 (English Literature) ,English Literature is a compulsory course for senior English majors. It aims at broadening the vision of those advanced learners who study English as a second language. It introduces them to a brief history of English Literature, which covers a survey of the general literary trends marked by distinguished writers and their masterpieces. Classroom lectures, activities and discussions will focus on the causes and features of different literary trends and the interpretation of selected writers and works within the norms of the modern literary criticism.You are expected to read one selected piece of writing before each lecture. During class, you will have chances to participate in the group discussion. Moreover, you are supposed to do the comprehension tests and some writing assignments. Attendance at class sessions is mandatory. Please have written proof of a university-excused absence if you are absent. Any absence, no matter with permission or without, will lead to a loss of points in your final grade. 榻庡檧f[楱 (American Literature) American Literature is a compulsory course for senior English majors. It aims at broadening the vision of those advanced learners. It introduces them to a brief history of American Literature, which covers a survey of the general literary trends marked by distinguished writers and their masterpieces. Classroom lectures, activities and discussions will focus on the causes and features of different literary trends and the interpretation of selected writers and works within the norms of the modern literary criticism. You are expected to do homework independently after each lecture, some of them have to be handed in with the required format. During class, you will also have chances to do in-class practice. Attendance at class sessions and at conferences is mandatory. Please have written proof of a university-excused absence if you are absent. Any absence, no matter with permission or without, will lead to a loss of points in your final grade. 椐汭l/Il椐涢墮瑜 (E-C/C-E Interpreting) CThis course aims at cultivating students' oral translating capability between English and Chinese, with two parts of interpreting strategies and text interpreting practice in every teaching unit. In the part of interpreting strategies, students will learn basic and commonly-used strategies including listening and extracting gists, logical analysis through listening, note- taking, memory skills and figure interpreting, etc, and the second part of text interpreting practice will cover dialogues and passages with various topics of politics, economy, culture, sports,etc.Students will be expected to be aware of the differences between English and Chinese, to do previewing work before each in-class interpreting training begins, to take an active part into class activies and to finish assignments after class satisfactorily.5瑜冣偓b鍣€.s妗 (English Reading on Science and Technology) ?English for Science and Technology is a one-semester course for junior students majoring in English. It aims to improve reading and researching ability in science and technology by means of introducing and analyzing general terminologies and stylistic features in such fields as smart home, ship and sea, electronic commerce, medicine, clothing and textile, archeology, civil engineering, science and technology in military, etc. With updated knowledge and information of international science and technology industries, this course will let students understand scientific and technological development and benefit them in the pursuit of their future careers. After taking this course, students will be able to: -Accumulate general terminologies as well as grasp stylistic features of science and technology English in relative fields. -Improve reading skills in dealing with scientific and technological texts. -Improve overall ability in teamwork and speech-delivering -Learn more about updated knowledge of science and technology in< dustries and understand their importanceStudents' final score consists of scores of attendance, class performance, group presentation, writing assignment and the final paper examination. Group presentation: Once every week, students will read and analyze related reading concerning scientific and technological knowledge out of class in working groups. 1-2 groups will give presentations in class. Each group will be graded as a whole according to the performance. Writing assignment: Once every 3 units, there will be a writing assignment, students will write a short academic report based on a topic of the former reading in working groups. Words and expressions for science and technology should be used and the style and syntactic features of EST should be paid attention to. The assignment of each group will be sent to the instructor s E-mail box, graded by the instructor. Attendance at class sessions and at conferences is mandatory. Please have written proof of a university/ college-excused absence if you are absent.Translation Technology and Practice is a one-semester optional course for EST-oriented Translation juniors. This course is aimed at helping students learn about the characteristics, classification and development trend of translation technology, cultivating students ability to apply various translation techniques and tools to real-life translation practice, and improving students attainment in translation technology. This course can be divided into two integrated sectors: learning and practice, covering such content as searching techniques, terminology database, translation memory, machine translation, etc. It lays a solid foundation for EST-oriented Translation majors to engage in related occupations and research in the future.xYou will learn about the theory and practice of translation technology. The theoretical part involves computer-aided translation, translation project management, terminology management, translation quality assurance and corpus management etc. The practical part involves different translation technologies and related corpus technologies.The course deals mainly with a CAT tool like SDL Trados and other technologies during its application. After this CAT tool, a translation project will be given to students for deep understanding. The course exam mainly inspects the students ability to solve problems by using the specific tools.鍣€f[鍣€SN瑜 (Literary and Cultural Translation) This is a compulsory course for juniors majoring in English. The course comprises two credit hours each week for 16 weeks, aiming at inspiring discussion about the relationship between literature, culture and translation and also some translation practices. This course is interdisciplinary of literature, culture and translation, focusing on providing an introduction to literary and cultural translation studies as an independent subject. This course is set in the same year with the courses on theoretical and practical studies of translation and literary and cultural study. This course will familiarize students with the uniqueness of literary and cultural translation and the most common methods and approaches employed in literary translation studies. Students will be able to do research in literary and cultural translation from different perspectives preliminarily. Students will also be able to make objective comments on not only translated literary works but also literary and cultural translation studies by others, which in turn will also contribute to their own. In this class, students will learn to do the following: -learn about the concept of translation, relationship between translation, culture and literature -learn about the differences between literary and cultural translation and other transaltions -learn that translation is not only the language transformation but also cultural communication -grasp some translating skills in practice -learn to appreciate the good translation text -learn how to translate literary and cultural works The course will be consisting of lectures, presentations and discussions. The lectures will < focus on the methodology in literary translation studies with case studies. Different approaches, such as socio-cultural, linguistic and stylistic methods etc., will be introduced. Presentations will be done by the students themselves followed by discussions. & & ASSIGENMENT REQIREMENT: Your translation should include: names and student series number and class name on the top; the Chinese words and the page number, the translation in English (if quoted, please mark the page number, the name of the book, the name of the author). All translation texts should be edited into one document according to the student series number and class number, and emailed to the teacher. Font type: Times New Roman; font size: 5. Late assignments are strongly discouraged. PAPER FORMAT: Three assignment essays must be typed, double-spaced, with 12-point type size. Each page must have one-inch margins on top, bottom, and sides. Please save copies of all of the drafts electronically. GRADES: In order to pass or get a higher score, you must complete all assignments, peer reviews and quiz in this class satisfactorily. If you fail the course, you must take a make-up exam that is generally held before the coming semester or you must repeat this course. & & !闊濂籟Am>m (Schools of Linguistics) ASchools of Linguistics, an optional course for English juniors who choose Literature and Culture as their direction, covers 32 credit hours over 16 weeks per semester. This course, as a useful complement to Introduction to Linguistics, Grammar, English Lexicology and other related courses, focuses on claims and propositions upheld by major schools in modern linguistics, including Saussure s linguistic theories, Prague school in Structural Linguistics, Transformational Generative Linguistics represented by Noam Chomsky, Systemic Functional Grammar represented by Halliday.To benefit from the course, students are expected to arrive on time and finish assignments independently after each lecture; some work has to be handed in a required format. Students active engagement in classroom discussion on relevant topics is desired. Students contribution to and performance of the group work are sure to be recorded. Moreover, 2 papers are designed to help them review their study during the semester. Please refer to the COURSE SCHEDUEL for details. Students will receive detailed feedback from the instructor on their homework, group work and quizzes. This feedback will help students understand what aspects they need to improve in order to increase their chances of passing the exit exam. Attendance at class sessions and at conferences is mandatory. Please have written proof of a university-excused absence if students are absent. Any absence, no matter with permission or without, will lead to a loss of points in their final grade. 6澹抏`楠煾xQ 铮礖eritage of Western Intellectual Tradition 铮 _This is a 2-credit compulsory course for English major seniors, composed of 32 periods of lectures. The course mainly deals with the relationship between Western culture and philosophical tradition, introduces different philosophical schools, the most representative philosophers and their main ideas from ancient Greek times to early 20th century. The students are required to: -preview. Preview the lecture unit, especially preread the excerpts and find materials to prepare for the presentation or translation. -make presentation or do translation. Before each lecture unit one or two students are chosen to make a related presentation about the lecture unit, lasting 5-10 minutes. The rest are required to submit their PPTs to the instructor before the final exam. The presentation will be graded according to the creativity in content, PPT design. -In-class discussions, and answering questions, doing translation which will be graded according to the creativity in content, pronunciation and tone. -translate a passage of a philosopher or a writer. In the middle of the semester, every student is to submit the translation work. It is strongly suggested that each student should choose a different philo< sopher or writer. Attendance at class sessions and at conferences is mandatory. Please have written proof of a university/college-excused absence if you are absent. '閼藉檧S顥碋 (Cross-cultural Communication) This is a compulsory course for the English majors studying Language and literature in the first term of the 3rd grade. The course credit is 2 in all, with 32 periods regularly allocated in 16 weeks. The course, set on the basis of the linguistic foundation courses such as intensive and extensive reading, listening, oral English, writing etc., is aimed to improve students understanding of the western cultures, build up their interest and determination in the mastery of English, and enhance their communication skills in cross-cultural communication. As a course of knowledge, skills and practice of cross-cultural communication, this course principally serves to provide knowledge and skills of communication between Chinese native speakers and English native speakers from America, Britain etc for English learners at the elementary level. With various cases and analysis, it displays vividly how the cross-cultural communication functions, intended to offer learners relevant knowledge and skills in cross-cultural communication. As the further study of A General Survey of English Speaking Countries, closely connected to Translation, literature and Culture, as well as the Study of Bible, it forms the core force of facilitating the future study of Western Classic Theories etc, it provides a better foundation for their advanced study of the language, culture and communication, along with translation and interpretation overall.You will have 4 after-class tasks, as well as constant and frequent in-class practices. You are expected to follow your instructors directions to do the tasks with your peers after each lecture, and endeavor to have a qualified performance for the in-class exercises. You will receive detailed feedback from your instructor on a standardized feedback form, during conferences, and in class. It will help you to know the strengths and weaknesses of your interpretation, understand what aspects of your interpretation you need to improve in order to increase your chances of passing the final exam. Attendance at class sessions and at conferences is mandatory. ;椐汭l闊濠沎瑭铮礐ontrastive Studies of Chinese and English Language 铮This course focuses on the comparison of the language features of English and Chinese, aiming to study the similarities and differences of two languages from the aspects of words, sentences, texts, rhetorical devices as well as thinking patterns, etc. This course will improve English learning and facilitate E-C or C-E translation. Meanwhile, students comparative awareness of the differncecs of English and Chinese will be cultivated. D In this class, students are required to know well the basic theories and related knowledge of linguisitics 铮 and possess cognitive and applicative abilities of English and Chinese. Students are expected to actively participate in class discussions or activities and write relevant articles independently after each lecture. jk椐涢煿铔珿lf[ (English Lexicology) SLexicology, a 1-credit, 8-week course for English major, is a branch of linguistics concerning the vocabulary of the English language on words and word equivalents. The scope of lexicology embraces the development, morphological structure, formation, meaning, and usage of words and word equivalents. The course is intended to help English major students in the second academic year summarize what they have learned and acquire a systematic knowledge of vocabulary so that they can furtherimprove their ability to enlarge personal vocabulary and choose the right words to use in a given context.In this class, students are required to do the following:1. Give a systematic description of the English vocabulary; 2. Offer an insight into the origin and development of the English vocabulary; 3. Discuss the problems of morphological structure of English words and major and minor processes of word-formation; 4. Study the use of English < words, changes in word meaning as well as their sense relations between words.^JT椐涢煿 (Advertising English) Advertising English is a one-semester optional course for sophomore English majors. Based on the diversity of mass media, this course aims at enriching students knowledge about advertisements, by providing adequate materials of background information, via the effective channel of advertisements appreciation, translation and designing. Students can not only gain more concrete knowledge, but also cultivate their creative thinking. In this class, you will learn to do the following: -Enriching your vocabulary in different fields of advertisements. -Knowing more about the form, design, media, etc. about advertisement -Improving your ability in writing, translating and correcting advertisements. -Cultivating your creative thinking.hYour final score will be based on your attendance, assignments, class participation and a final exam. You are expected to follow your instructors directions to do the tasks. - After each class, one group is required to do some research and give a presentation on a topic related to advertisement with PPT. - You will also have do the exercises in each unit after class. For every assignment, you will receive detailed feedback from your instructor. It will help you know your strengths and weaknesses in your learning skills (including ideas, preparedness for group presentations, assignments, etc.), and understand where you need to improve. Attendance at class sessions is mandatory. Do have official written leave permit for your absence. Any absence, no matter with permit or without, will lead to a loss of points in your final grade. B椐涢煿顧 R 鎱 (Selected Readings in English Newspapers and Magazines) MSelective Readings in English Newspapers and Magazines is a one-semester optional course for English sophomores. Based on the diversity of mass media, this course aims to enrich students knowledge about western culture and society via the effective channel of print news media like Newspapers and Magazines. Students can not only gain concrete knowledge on news reading, but also cultivate language skills and critical thinking. Course Objectives: In this class, students will be able to: -- Enrich the Vocabulary (phrases, idioms and common sayings) of different news fields. -- Improve News Reading ability through authentic English materials. -- Broaden the Horizon via major access to world news. -- Cultivate the ability of Critical Thinking to appreciate correct and valuable information while abandoning wrong and useless information. Your final grades are made up of scores on Daily Performance (attendance, presentation and news report/summary) and a Final Examination. In order to pass this course, you must complete both parts satisfactorily. In order to pass this course or get a higher score, students must complete both parts satisfactorily. In-class: Students will learn to read English news from Newspapers and Magazines in different fields, do the exercises in the textbook and write news report/summary with the help of the instructor. After-class: Students will search for cultural information concerning certain fields from on-line/print news media and prepare to present on what they ve got through teamwork. You will receive detailed feedback from your instructor, which will help you know your strengths and weaknesses in your learning skills (including ideas, preparedness for group presentations, assignments, etc.), and understand where you need to improve.Critical Thinking and English Debate is a one-semester optional course for the junior students who major in English. This course focuses on general rules of debate formats, debate strategies, argumentation, refutation, and logic. Students are expected to participate in a debate and fulfill their role responsibilities. Through the pratice of debate, Students' skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing will also get improved.Students who take this course should have good capability of language application based on so< lid basis of language acquisition. This course is of challenge in a way. But it will benefit those who is willing to challenge themselves. You should also know that debate is about far more than listening and speaking. You will find your integrated ability greatly improved, especially critical thinking ability. Your final score consists of scores of class performance and a paper examination. There will be mock debates at the end of the semester for extra scores. You will act as both debaters and adjudicators, the latter of which is of great help for you to better understand how to be a good debater.椐涢煿鍣€SOf[ (English Stylistics) This is an optionalcourse for Englishmajors in the junior year.Stylistics is the study of style, the study of use language in literature, a meeting ground of linguistics and literary study.It is hoped that students can not only master the basic theoretical framework of stylistics, but also learn the methods of stylistic analysis and understand the basic stylistic characteristics of various texts.Stylistic study helps students cultivate a sense of appropriateness.You are expected to finish two assignments, as well as two in-class practice quizzes. Additionally, students will have in-class pair works during the whole semester. Attendance at class is mandatory. Please have written proof of a university/ college-excused absence if you are absent.&瑾板獕椐涢煿 (Legal Translation in English) DThe course is aimed at teaching some law knowledge to translation majors. The main content of this course is Anglo-American Law system, including the legal terminology, the international business and trade law, the comparison between the Anglo-American law system and the Continental law system, the introduction of legal profession, the legal departments of the Anglo-American, the supplementary reading materials of WTO, and the techniques and sources for legal research (skills for presenting and legal writing). Legal English lasts one semester with its purpose of developing students ability to take use of English in the legal field. With help of the teachers, the students can successfully master some basic legal terminology and theories, and in Law by reading some well-selected English legal essays. In process of teaching and learning, the emphasis is placed on enlarging students vocabulary in legal English and on raising their English reading comprehensive levels. Meanwhile, the course adopts individual speeches or group discussions and other teaching methods in order to provide as more lingual practice as possible for students, helps them well-combine their knowledge both in major and English. At last, they can successfully complete the course study comparatively good English oral skills in communication and translation. You are expected to present in class one part of a lesson. Besides three translation assignments and legal knowledge practice after each class, midterm test are to be fulfilled. The midterm test is designed very much like the exam paper that you must pass at the end of the course. (榻嶦?f鐎冾摌 (International Trade Practice) J  0榻嶦?f鐎冾摌 0/fN閽xvz榻嶦妗囨椈U缃奉棿bc鑿 z0wQ g濉Y;m鈮r绛N鐎冮瘓'`鍧傶_鍓夐紖T'`鎿?u瑜僨[ 铮靛儧閷楩U缃疯箽槎撮墮8f;m鈮?Nxvz榈瀉 铮甸寴b榻Y8宓恊鍨?eV{:Nc榛 铮fFU缃疯箽槎撮墮N顡樺墘槎?gt绨0槎?g閸傝寭瀛撮逗,g鈧琤榻0(W锜窷mhQtS铏乷f N 铮礲妤朳 N&^N椋 !P鐣墘'Y}Y:gG 铮甸綆E?f榈炲动b榻庤煾Nm鍓aINN 鈧睓 铮鎯?g睢 z鍓塮[`N 铮典函Blf[u瀹戦啎榻嶦鏈廢缃穚NVS鍓夌椒(0pe锠0S鑹0楸夵h0琚曟惞0瑙烘⒋0"}T0楱堢縺I{韫氶洞閴T T鍓夊尛绛N榇檚Q浜疊l 铮甸焦Y鐒h剫琚?uT T鍓墌{顣Ne\L鍦泏榇椀鍊愬墘浜晵瀛磋毇\O绛铮祐^鎯 g 鎰癰'`0W钖旇洔榻嶦?f鍓塦N棰糧P瑾08f棰煎┏瀛磋嚭浜墘瑾板獕鑶叉瓟,Of[u鍝婇姁榻嶦鏌 铮靛畱閱曢綆E NN姹鎬㈠瀶v棰煎┏0nfM鎮禰L鍨妚鐑R閷樿敍锜?宄絴NN椐涢煿/g闊 铮佃箽 鈧珐0R瑙擴\f[u榻嶦鏌跺) 铮佃GS榧T }(宕塿椤呭墘0qrvw v浜疊lf[uhQb姊縉閵愬鐒eˇ榻嶦?f鍓夐逗,gt绨ㄥ鐎冾摌铓玕O 铮祍Q閼滈綆鍖Y锜?宥峱绛介。妲 铮`鈧瑅^b_b闄欑彑鑱g铮甸焦铚扮┄A~YBg鍓塇h濠R鎭庣€冪摂-N 铮佃璨R鎭庡閵愮爢Y8N顡橀。妲濆墘榻规被铮甸焦Y鐒h剫琚?uNNFU8宥戝偄?g闊 铮甸簮鑰¤煾8宄絴椐涘檧鍣€閯 铮靛畱閱曢綆E?f鐎冾摌铓玕OAm z05顢愭⒋:g鍘彂瑜冣偓b瑜 (CAT English for Science and Technology) CAT English for Science and Technology is a one-semester optional course for English juniors. This course aims to improve students computer-aided EST translating ability by means of introducing EST translation skills through translating appreciation and practice in the field of science and technology related to the New Engineering courses of QLUT, as well as computer-aided translation concept and technology.Your final grades are made up of scores on Daily Performance (atte< ndance, technology update and EST translation tasks) and a Final Examination. In order to pass this course, you must complete both parts satisfactorily. In order to pass this course or get a higher score, students must complete both parts satisfactorily. 1. Technology Update Each week, two students will present your new learning on CAT technology in class, which will be graded as part of your Daily Performance. 2. Assignment Every two weeks, we will appreciate/ practice an EST translation in the field of science and technology (mainly related to the New Engineering courses of QLUT) after class and discuss/ analyze it in class. You will receive the feedbacks instead of specific grades from your instructor, which will help you know the strengths and weaknesses of your rendering, and will help you understand what aspects of your version you need to improve in order to perform better in the final exam. 3椐涢煿T\OO宕榞 (Selected Readings of English Literature) <Selected Readings of English Literature is a selective course for English majors. It aims at broadening the vision of those advanced learners who study English as a second language. It introduces them to selected readings of English Literature, which covers a survey of the general literary trends marked by distinguished writers and their masterpieces. Classroom lectures, activities and discussions will focus on the causes and features of different literary trends and the interpretation of selected writers and works within the norms of the modern literary criticism. You are expected to do homework independently after each lecture, some of them have to be handed on in required format. During class, you will also have chances to do in-class practice which should be finished during class. You will receive detailed feedback from your instructor on your homework and quiz. This feedback will help you know the strengths and weaknesses of your writing, and it will help you understand what aspects you need to improve in order to increase your chances of passing the exit exam. Attendance at class sessions and at conferences is mandatory. Please have written proof of a university-excused absence if you are absent. Any absence, no matter with permission or without, will lead to a loss of points in your final grade.#瑜榎OO宕榞 (Translation Appreciation ) 8This course is a professional elective course for the seniors of English majors. It covers 14 weeks, two credit hours. During which lectures and practice are conducted. By comparing the source text with the target text or making comparisons among different translation versions of the same source text, this course can offer a guideline to distinguish the features of good translation and cultivate the perception, understanding and distinction of different languages and cultures, thus helping students pay more attention to the employment of translation theories, skills and enhance students ability in translation practices. This course is an enhancement of all courses relevant to translation and culture, such as Translation Theories and Practice, Literary and Cultural Translation, English Practical Translation, etc.In this course, students are expected to follow your instructors directions, and assignments are to be fulfilled. These assignments will be in form of papers appreciating the translations relevant to the study in class. The instructor will give students feedback on their writing. Besides, students are required to give presentation about their appreciation of a certain translation (it s up to students to choose the target).!q_鑼瑜 (Audiovisual Translation) As an optional course for sophomore English majors, Audiovisual Translation aims to improve the translating ability in audiovisual field of students majored in English and English translation, by means of introducing features of audiovisual translation and genres of films as well as practicing translating principles and skills in subtitle translation (E-C) and title translation of films and TV products (E-C & C-E).Assignment: Once every two weeks, students<  will watch a segment of a film (different films of different genres), and translate in working groups (The whole class will be divided into several working groups in advance). The assignment of each group will be sent to the instructor s E-mail box before the due date and handed in at class, graded by the instructor and become part of the teaching materials for the next class. Role-play & Retell: Once every two weeks, 1-2 groups will present in-class role-play or retell practice according to the segments of films given by the instructor. Each working group will be graded as a whole according to the performance. Quiz: In the middle of the semester (Week 8), there will be an in-class quiz concerning the key points of audiovisual translation. 鎿?u瑜 (Applied Translation)tThe course will cover 16 weeks, two credit hours, engaging in discussing features of practical writings and their translating principles and skills, cultivating students' awareness of stylistic differences and translating between English practical writings and Chinese counterparts, and aiming at laying down a foundation for students' future translation career of different practical writings. This course will focus on chapters of introducing stylistic features and translation principles, strategies and skills of different practical writings incuding ads, news, tourism texts, guides, manuals and other practical texts. DThis course will be carried out in ways of pre-class translation, lecturing, appreciation of translated versions and after-class assignments. Students will be required to finish well the pre-class translating tasks, to take an active part in class discussion translation appreciation and finish after-class assignments.閴欒鐎冾摌 (Interpreting Practice) As an optional course for senior students majored in English and Translation, Intermediate Practice will engage in multiple interpreting scenes associated with more interpreting skills in various topics. Our focus will be first of all, on the command of interpreting skills, familiarity of various interpreting situations, comprehension of an interpreting text and oral ability of interpreted texts. Students will be required to preview the new vocabulary and learn the background knowledge before practicing interpreting in class. Additionally, students will have occasional quizzes as well as in-class pair works during the whole semester. 6閷N閸傝寭淇扮皑 铮礎n Introduction to Industrial Knowledge 铮As a compulsory course, An Introduction to Industrial Knowledge aims to broaden the horizon of students majored in English and English translation, by means of introducing the basic concepts and technological processes on such industries as machinery, paper-making, printing, food and bio-engineering. With updated knowledge of the relative industrial fields, this course will benefit students in the pursuit of their future careers.For each industrial sector, students will read and analyze one discourse concerning scientific and technological knowledge out of class in working groups. During the learning of each industrial sector, 1-2 groups will give presentations in class to share their teamwork of the assignment (the scientific background knowledge, terminologies, key structures, summary, etc.) with the instructor and the whole class. Each working group will be graded as a whole according to the performance.FU顡橀闊 (Business English) OBusiness English, a one-semester mandatory course for English juniors who choose EST as their direction, covers 32 credit hours over 16 weeks. In this course, you will learn to do the following: -master basic BE knowledge; -use English in business activities fluently and appropriately; -improve English proficiency in Speaking, Reading, Writing and Translation in business contexts; -enhance the awareness and skills of intercultural communication. This course is also designed to help prepare you for other practical courses, such as International Trade Practice and Advertising English. You are expected to do homework independently after each lecture; some of them have to be hand< ed on in required format. You will do group work with your teammates and make presentations during the semester. In-class practices will also be involved. Moreover, mid-term quiz will be designed to help you review your study during the semester. Please refer to the COURSE SCHEDULE for details. You will receive detailed feedback from your instructor on your homework, group work and quiz. This feedback will help you know your strengths and weaknesses in BE learning, in order to increase your chances of passing the final exam as well as to equip yourself with adequate BE knowledge. Attendance at class sessions and conferences is mandatory. Do have an official written leave permit for your absence. Any absence, no matter with permit or without, will lead to a loss of points in your final grade. >Topic-based interpreting, a 2-credit, 16-week course for translation major students in the third year of college, aims to foster students to be capable of dealing with various situations in the process of interpreting more fluently and skillful, particularly something related to some general knowledge in terms of science and technology. In accordance with students good command of English language as well as mastering common sense, the course is featured by several modules such as food safety, energy, transportation, life science and other state-of-the-art technology.'In this class, students are required to do the following: Students are expected to deliver an approximately 3-minute prepared public speech concerning science and technology and teachers will then comment on the performance. Students in the process of learning, will gain knowledge with regard to language features of science and technology by self-learning after class as well as sharing more information as supplementary reading with more students in class. Final grades are consisted of attendance, class performance, final exam (oral and written).5闊濡礶SN妲濋墮瑜 铮礚anguage &Culture Topic-based Interpreting 铮Topic-based interpreting, a 2-credit, 16-week course for translation major students in the third year of college, aims to foster students to be capable of dealing with various situations in the process of interpreting more fluently and skillful, particularly something related to general knowledge in terms of traditional culture. In accordance with students good command of English language as well as mastering common sense, the course is featured by several modules such as history, festivals, folk tales, literature, custom, etc.$In this class, students are required to do the following: Students are expected to deliver an approximately 3-minute prepared public speech concerning traditional culture and teachers will then comment on the performance. Students in the process of learning, will gain knowledge with regard to language features of traditional culture by self-learning after class as well as sharing more information as supplementary reading with more students in class. Final grades are consisted of attendance, class performance, final exam (oral and written).&澹抏瑜t绨 (Western Translation Theories) PThis course is an optional course for English and Translation majors in their junior year. We will spend 8 weeks, 1 credit hour, engaging in the acquisition of different schools of translation theories in western history. By placing translation in a historical framework, students are hoped to have a systematic and profound command of translation theories. Closely related to linguistics, this course provides various perspectives to translation study, enhancing students awareness and understanding of western classical translation theoriesand benefiting their translation practice./In this course, students need to read a lot. Every two weeks the designated materialsare required to be read and summaries need to be submitted. Students are also required to give some fully prepared presentation in class about an aspect of translation andto participate actively into class discussion. 鑸?n椐涢煿 (English for Tourism)English for Tourism is a basic elective course for sophomore English ma< jors. It will cover the semester -- 16 weeks, two credit hours focusing on the specific language usages in the field of tourism. Students learn related knowledge of tourism and corresponding expressions in English, covering aspects in traveling, such as food, transportation, accommocation, entertainment, sightseeing and so on. With their horizon widened, their English skills can be strengthened at the same time. Each student who successfully completes this course will be able to: - get to know the history, current situation and future development of tourism; - be familiar with the operation and services in certain places, such as travel agency, hotel, restaurant, airport, etc.; - have an overview of the scenic spots at home and abroad, and be able to give introductions of a few spots with both spoken and written English; - grasp tips and knowledge for intercultural communication and learn to respect distinct cultures; - master vocabulary, phrases, sentence patterns and dialogues which are frequently used in tourism, and be able to deal with emergency and solve problems when traveling by themselves; - write brief tour guide commentaries, and act as a interpreter with materials about tourism.Your final score will be based on assignments, class participation and a final exam, both in oral and written forms. - Before each class, one student is required to give a presentation on a scenic spot, a town, a city, or a country with PPT from the perspective of traveling. - You will also have three times of assignments after class. - Your attendance and performance of classes will also be graded. - Additionally, you will be having a final paper exam at the end of the semester. ,{瀛Y闊 I(F) Durant tout le semestre de 16 semaines, nous allons apprendre systmatiquement le franais en apprciant la culture franaise. Nous cherchons vous faire saisir les rgles phontiques, la structure syntaxique et les connaissances grammaticales. Aprs avoir fait 4 mois d'tudes, vous pourriez faire des communications quotidiennes l'criture et l'orale, et vous seriez au niveau A1 de la langue franaise.8Vous devez faire des exercices oraux des dialogues du manuel aprs la classe et participer deux testes. En outre, il y aurait des testes comme dicte ou quiz etc. pendant la classe. Assistance l'examen et la classe sont obligatoires. En cas d'absence, les preuves crites de la facult sont indispensables. ,{瀛Y闊 II(F) rAyant fait les tudes de FI, ce FII est pour but de continuer vos tudes en ajoutant des connaissances syntaxiques comme les temps et les modes des verbes, les pronoms relatifs, etc. Les circonstances diverses seront concernes pour vous faire connatre des expressions correctes. Les tudes de ce semestre sont pour but de vous faire atteindre le niveau A2 du franais.Vous devez faire des exercices crits aprs la classe. En outre, il y aurait des testes comme dicte ou quiz etc. pendant la classe. Assistance l'examen et la classe sont obligatoires. En cas d'absence, les preuves crites de la facult sont indispensables. ,{瀛Y闊 III(F) V Aprs les tudes des deux semestres prcdents, nous attachons de grandes importances la composition des ouvrages. Les textes de diffrents styles seront appris durant ces 4 mois d'tudes. La comptence d'criture sera mise en premier lieu. Les tudes de ce semestre sont pour but de vous faire atteindre le niveau B1 du franais. L0Vous devez faire des exercices de composition toutes les semaines. En outre, il y aurait des testes pendant la classe. Assistance l'examen et la classe sont obligatoires. En cas d'absence, les preuves crites de la facult sont indispensables. ,{瀛Y闊 IV(F) Ce FIV est un cours option, ceux qui veulent prparer l'examen du Master ou ceux qui veulent passer l'examen CFT-4 peuvent suivre nos cours durant ces 16 semaines. La rvision gnrale de la grammaire franaise et les expressions crites sont les tches importantes pour nos tous.铮 Vous devez faire des exercices de composition toutes les semaines. En outre, il y aurait des testes pendant la classe. Assi< stance l'examen et la classe sont obligatoires. En cas d'absence, les preuves crites de la facult sont indispensables. 0 ,{瀛Y闊 I(G) Das ist ein Pflichtfach. Es gibt 4 Unterrichtsstunden in jeder Woche und insgesamt 64 Unterrichtsstunden fr ein Semester. Whrend der gesamten 16-wchigen Semesters werden wir Deutsch systematisch lernen , deutsche Kultur kennenlernen und genieen. Wir versuchen, Sie die phonetischen Regeln, syntaktischen Struktur und Grammatikregeln verstehen lassen zu knnen. Nach dem viermonatigen Unterricht knnen Sie die alltgliche Kommunikation machen.4Sie mssen die bungen und das Handbuch nach der Klasse fertig machen. Darber hinaus gibt es auch Diktat oder Quiz whrend des Unterrichts. Die Teilnahme an Unterrichtsstunden ist obligatorisch. Bitte haben Sie einen schriftlichen Nachweis einer Universitt / Hochschule-Entschuldigt, wenn Sie vermissen. ,{瀛Y闊 II(G) Das ist ein Pflichtfach. Es gibt 4 Unterrichtsstunden in jeder Woche und insgesamt 64 Unterrichtsstunden fr ein Semester. Whrend der gesamten 16-wchigen Semester werden wir Deutsch 2 systematisch lernen, deutsche Kultur kennenlernen und genieen.Wir versuchen, Ihre deutsche Grammatik, vor allem die Grammatik der syntaktischen Struktur verstehen und beherrschen zu lassen . Nach dem viermonatigen Unterricht knnen Sie mehr literarische Kenntnisse als das vorherige Halbjahr beherrschen .2Sie mssen die bungen und das Handbuch nach der Klasse fertig machen. Darber hinaus gibt es auch Diktat oder Quiz whrend des Unterrichts. Die Teilnahme an Unterrichtsstunden ist obligatorisch. Bitte haben Sie einen schriftlichen Nachweis einer Universitt / Hochschule-Entschuldigt, wenn Sie vermissen. ,{瀛Y闊 III(G)Das ist ein Pflichtfach. Es gibt 4 Unterrichtsstunden in jeder Woche und insgesamt 64 Unterrichtsstunden fr ein Semester. Whrend des gesamten 16-wchigen Semesters werden wir Deutsch 3 systematisch lernen , deutsche Kultur kennenlernen und genieen . Wir versuchen, Ihre deutsche Grammatik, vor allem die Grammatik der syntaktischen Struktur verstehen und beherrschen zu lassen . Nach dem viermonatigen Unterricht knnen Sie mehr literarische Kenntnisse als das vorherige Halbjahr beherrschen . ,{瀛Y闊 IV(G)Das ist ein Wahlfach. Es gibt 2 Unterrichtsstunden in jeder Woche und insgesamt 32 Unterrichtsstunden fr ein Semester. Whrend des gesamten 16-wchigen Semesters werden wir Deutsch 4 systematisch lernen , deutsche Kultur kennenlernen und genieen . Wir versuchen, Ihre deutsche Grammatik, vor allem die Grammatik der syntaktischen Struktur verstehen und beherrschen zu lassen . Nach dem viermonatigen Unterricht knnen Sie mehr literarische Kenntnisse als das vorherige Halbjahr beherrschen . ,{瀛Y闊 I(J) ,g睢 z/f:N椐涢煿NNf[u_绶ュ墘鎯煎獌e鐬艰嚭闋烆 z0,g睢 z鍓塝ef[楦戭摌/f鎯藉竣瀣绘R鍓塮[`N鍝婇姁閷煿GPT鍓?ueg 铮靛畱閱曢尟闊n楂0Jm楂煎JSJm楂0璀╅鍓夎楂奸寴钄泂^GPT瀛碐rGPT鍓塮N姗0铚伴氨w宓恜_钖 铮Of[uRek鍝婇姁閷煿鍓墆r绛 铮靛畱閱曢尟闊R顫勮洭Gl顩?50*N 铮甸煿瑾板閷濆獊顩?5*N0(Wf[`N閷煿闊濠倃鑼撳墘 T榘 铮靛搳閵愰礄sQ鍓夐尟,g>yON鍣€SI{绛玝姊絭鍖瓱 铮甸禋{Qf[u鍓夐櫃f[榻规被0ps{}@榉佺暙f[`N鈧?Wf[`NUS铔闊硅KNY 铮鎯藉繐e闊瑰墘f[`N鐕榈為尟,g鍓夊檧S0>yO铏乷fI{鍓t閵0鎯藉慷[睢忓檧楂兼喅鍓夎殣Y閭栭簮 铮靛畱閱?WS鎮噕閷煿瑁囬0 ,{瀛Y闊 II(J)鈧 0 ,g睢 z/f:N椐涢煿NNf[u_绶ュ墘鎯煎獌e鐬艰嚭闋烆 z0,g睢 z鍓塝ef[楦戭摌/ff[`NT铔宀夊S閷樿敍鈮ц洭0b_绛熻洭0b_绛熲墽铔墘杩櫓_ 铮祐^韫Nekf[`N閷煿鍓a璀0婕呴Г0绗呴I{h鍩﹀槐__ 铮甸禋{Qf[u韫歀鍨亄US鍓?T榄﹂簮姗鍓夐焦姹 铮Of[u榻Y,T鑰0O榄0榻规┋0O瑜N睢忓檧绶邦泟榇欒鍓夊檧閯0i 0 榉佺暙f[`N鈧?W瀛Y閷煿铮? 铮靛墘f[`N鍓夐逗@x N 铮?W,gf[gn鐕f[`N鍓夌钒顩 铮甸閷 wN姹碘偓{US鍓夌兓Hr鍓?uq_瀛粹墽+o 铮佃璨?T姹0濉忚槎篅x閸傝寭0妗t閵愰寴钄?T姹婚緯绶?R閷煿榻规被鈧珟N4閹夐獌鍓?ls^ 铮代N钄T鍓鈧x閷煿Sb}Y槎篅x0TV ,{瀛Y闊 III(J) 0 ,g睢 z/f:N椐涢煿NNf[u_绶ュ墘鎯煎獌e鐬艰嚭闋烆 z0,g睢 z鍓塝ef[楦戭摌/f(W瀛Y閷煿铮?-2 铮靛墘槎篅x N 铮佃箽Nekf[`N閷煿鍓墋T閵0鈺熻爭0GP姝0棰焦0鐝椻墽0椤呭墘0鐑婚儶I{h鍩﹀締e_閷樿敍X[闊O0瀛惧搳SO瀛磋妷YSOI{h鍦峺绉`鍓夐対濯0Of[u榻YwQYN姝斿墘閷煿,T榄﹂簮姗榻规被 铮甸焦Y,T鑰0O榄0榻规┋0O瑜N睢忓檧绶邦泟榇欒鍓O杓鍣€閯 铮Of[u鍓?T榄﹂簮姗榻规被绶?R閷煿榻规被鈧珟N4閷 N4ls^0 ),0t 0 榉佺暙f[`N鈧?W瀛Y閷煿铮?-2 铮靛墘槎篅x N 铮?W,gf[gn鐕f[`N椐囶泟瀛寸钒顩 铮甸閷 wN姹电兓Hr鍓?uq_瀛粹墽+o 铮?W琛忚钵,T姹诲墘 T榘 铮电嚝椐囬禐閷?g>yO鍣€S鍓t閵 铮靛璜烽逗@x閸傝寭0妗t閵愰寴钄?T姹婚緯绶?R閷煿榻规被鈧珟N4閷 N4ls^ 铮代N鈧x閷煿Sb}Y槎篅x0ce ,{瀛Y闊 IV (J 铮 0 ,g睢 z/f:N椐涢煿NNf[u_绶ュ墘 鎰礝睢 z0,g睢 z鍓塝ef[楦戭摌/f(W瀛Y閷煿铮?-3 铮靛墘槎篅x N 铮佃箽Nekf[`N閷煿鍓Oy_`0瑭嬬睓0鈺烱m0 \璜查煿0闄?宀夊┉{T铔揾鍩﹀締e_0Of[u榻YwQYN姝斿墘閷煿,T榄﹂簮姗榻规被 铮甸焦Y,T鑰0O榄0榻规┋0O瑜N睢忓檧绶邦泟榇欒鍓O杓鍣€閯 铮Of[u鍓?T榄﹂簮姗榻规被绶?R閷煿榻规被鈧珟N3閹夐獌鍓?ls^0 0 %(0p 榉佺暙f[`N鈧?W瀛Y閷煿铮?-3 铮靛墘槎篅x N 铮?W,gf[gn鐕f[`N椐囶泟瀛寸钒顩 铮甸閷 wN姹电兓Hr鍓?uq_瀛粹墽+o 铮?W琛忚钵,T姹诲墘 T榘 铮电嚝椐囬禐閷?g>yO鍣€S鍓t閵 铮靛璜烽逗@x閸傝寭0妗t閵愰寴钄?T姹婚緯绶?R閷煿榻规被鈧珟N3鍓?ls^ 铮代N鈧x閷煿Sb}Y槎篅x0 `b(澹抏鍣€f楱 (History of Western Civilization) In the 2017 Teaching Program, this curriculum was entitled History of Western Europe, which focused on the history of Western Europe dating from Ancient Gre< ece to the eve of the First World War. In the revised version, it is changed into History of Western Civilization, the vision of which is expanded into the entire western world, and the focus is shifted from historical events to the achievements of western civilization covering arts, philosophy, architecture, politics, religion, techniques, so on and so forth. Another change of this curriculum is it is in the catalogue of the compulsory course now instead of optional one in the 2017 Teaching Program. We will spend one semester---16 weeks, two credit hours on this course. { The civilization of western world mainly refers to all the cultures originated from Ancient Greece, and believe in Christianity. The reason for us to study the civilization of western world is not only because the English speaking countries such as UK, USA, Canada, Australia are all belong to this world , but also because it included most of the dominating powerful countries. Beside, the advanced science and technology, the political system of democracy, and some other achievements shared by the people all over the world now were almost all contributed by the western civilization. By learning this course, you are expected to not only acquire some information on the civilization of western world and the relevant vocabulary , but also learn to observe the western civilization rationally and critically, and at the same time, to exercise logic thinking under a broader world vision.$ 瑜冣偓b鍣€SON瑜 (EST Style and Translation );This course is a professional compulsory course for the English seniors. The course credit is 2 in all, with 32 periods regularly allocated in 16 weeks. This course aims to help students explore the style and general transltion rules of English and Chinese scientific and technological texts, cultivate students' awareness of stylistic differences, transltion awareness and ability, so as to improve students' understanding of scientific and technological texts translation. At the same time, this course trains students' ability to translate scientific and technological texts both in English and Chinese, thus laying a good foundation for their future translation work. This course is an enhancement of all courses relevant to translation, such as A General Introduction to Translation, E-C Translation, C-E Translation, etc.Students are expected to attend some lectures, or semina; some work has to be handed in a required format after each lecture or semina. Attendanceis mandatory. Please have written proof of a university-excused absence if students are absent. 5椐涢煿Yef[瑾 (Approaches and Methods in English Teaching) As an optional course designed for junior students majoring in English, It surveys both theory and practice of English as a Foreign Language teaching. Students will be given the theory, history of language teaching in three parts: Part I Major trends in twentieth-century language, Part II Alternative approaches and methods, and Part III Current communicative approaches. They will be expected to under the course work and apply it to practice in the future Chinese classroom context.,This course is designed to provide an active learning experience. To benefit from the class, you need to arrive on time having already completed the assigned chapters, ready to engage in discussion of relevant topics. Participation (including attendance, promptness, and involvement in classroom activities, and discussion that clearly demonstrates you have kept up with the reading) may affect your grade by up to one full grade. Missing more than three class periods regardless of the reason may result in a failing grade in the course. Arriving late or leaving early twice is viewed as equivalent of one absence. Attendance at class sessions and at conferences is mandatory. This part accounts 10% of students whole grade. Please have written proof of a university/college-excused absence if you are absent.鐧抽簻椐涢煿 (News English) RAs an optional course designed for sophomore students majoring in English, We will spend the semester--13 weeks, 2 credit hour, engaging in News Engl< ish learning. This class will provide students with the best of cutting edge information on the development of journalism, along with practical techniques for reading, writing, translating and broadcasting English news. This course will raise students interests in current affairs both at home and abroad, cultivate their sensitivity in journalism, and have a better performance in other courses such as English speeches, and practical writing.&You will have constant and frequent news translation tasks or assignments each week both in and out of class, as well as in-class quizzes. You are expected to follow your instructors directions to do the tasks with your peers after each lecture, and endeavor to have a qualified performance for the in-class exercises. You will have two full class periods to translate and peer review in class during the whole semester. You will not receive grades on your work. Instead, you will receive the feedback from your instructor as well as your classmates on translation style and skills. This feedback will help you know the strengths and weaknesses of your version, and it will help you understand what aspects of your version you need to improve in order to increase your chances of passing the final exam. +瑭嬪剼鍣€f[N鍣€S铮礐omparative Literature and Culture 铮 瑭嬪剼鍣€f[N鍣€S铮甸暴T_ 铮?f椐涢煿NN鍓N閽戦笐a 鎰礝睢 铮甸憰(WEQR)R(u鐨婇墧閰`鈧琤/g瀛撮綆鍖YO(宄焄`ND宕榥 铮佃绲抐[u鍓塮[`N鑼愯瀿 铮甸禋{Qf[u鍓夌瘶鍣€鑷` 铮礢O鐨婄櫝鍣€瑜儁rr0閸晎|睢 z绁勮瑳鍟掗亝^韪 铮?N榻庡澹抏鍣€f[0鍣€S0鍣€f[鑶电皑鍓夘 z 铮典繉-N榻庤煾xQ鍣€f[铮 0顣i顩 00 0璁掕煾 0I{ 铮0-N榻庨◣f[锜竫Q0IlW[鍓aa瀵?gI{ 铮澹抏锜竫Q\O缃稯宕榞0閵 ^J浜f0椐涢煿璁扡k0澹抏鍣€f楱岻{睢 z0 閸曨 z顢?*Nf[R 铮?2f[榘 铮祐Q-N 铮S闈婄腹 N6*Nf[榘 铮电腹 Nf[榘R3!k韫歀 铮R+R濉犳妽(Wf[gR0g-N瀛g+g0,g睢 z(W,{韪乫[g_绶 铮甸穪鐣玣[u9hnc闄欓Ψ鑷界鐨奓 鎰礝鍣€S鍣€f[nf钄泏|睢 z 铮礖Q闋?N榻庡檧S鍣€f[{|睢 z宄囬牉澹抏{|yOON0LN榈為闊NN閸傝寭鍓夎(u鑷界閷樿敍ON锜?鍕乣绀0绡楳b妗瀕鑷界I{ 铮殿湑铔诲动>yO灞絞0鎯NhT鍓夌€僠N鐎冮瘓 铮甸閷Of[u瀹戦啎>yO灞絞绛 铮甸}Y0W鍝婇姁>yO 铮电劊濉︾€僂鏌綿\O 铮礯N棰寴Of[u榈?gNN鍓?`(宥匩钄NNf[`N0鑶R0*geg槎撮墮I{ g楝撮瓙顧0楝R鐝熷墘SO瀵 铮佃湴 鈧?N钄T鍓NNf[`NSb No鍊塝鍓夐逗@x0 閸曠€冮瘓睢 z鎯藉粸杌x瀛寸€?Wx鍓夌__U\ 铮礷[b\濉犳妽 gsQ^:Wx槎?g閸傝寭瀛寸瑾板墘榈氱摂 铮祐^鎬盻閭N濉犳妽Y槎磋€傝仯0鈧亰閷樿敍b妞0L鈧?W瑁嘦\I{鐭夘湦0f[ux閷\鑶?NUSMO鈻肩皑nx姝x妲濋0榈瀉0鍖瓱I{,鐑R N閷橀闊筜e鐬0Y8宄玅槌0椐涢煿f[`N顪旂椒0濉YR鎲瞊0椐涢煿h鑼撻煿I{N椐涢煿榇檚Q鍓塙SMO:N;N0x鑿 z-N 铮礷[u鎿介幏鑻竄P}Yx{鐨 铮佃淮X[榇檚Q鍣€W[0U_楂0顮汫r0U_铻綢{D宕 铮甸寴姹?WU\:y榘丂b(u0鐎冮瘓瑙篲gT 铮礷[u閷\鑶?NUSMO瀛bxGl顧║\:y 铮祐^ c浜疊l琛忣棿*N绡樼€冮瘓顧↗T0 `a椐涢煿NN鈧琤榻诡槹閸傜€冮瘓/ff[u榧T琚?u@bf[椐涢煿NN閸傝寭 铮w鐎b!j閬欓姁鐮嗙殜鐎傼yO0閷O0u;m-N椤f鍓夌€b;鏆璸 铮?W,{鎿璮[g韫歀0鎯?g!k鐎冮瘓 铮礷[u棰寴楝撮B\!k鍓夊搳閵怇yO妗瀕 铮靛搳閵愰闊归礄sQ閸傝寭鍓w鐎冩摻(u 铮靛搳閵愰櫃棣?W閸傝寭0榻规被0閼藉檧S顥碋0绡樺檧 }{QI{T*N绛玝姊絭O绺NN纭 铮佃湴 鈧?N钄T鍓塮[`Nw?R绾庣洤0闋瀋k鍓塡O(u 铮OvQ楝磢Y楝撮毞鍓夎箽ek0閸曠€冮瘓睢 z鎯藉粸杌x瀛寸€?Wx鍓夌__U\ 铮礷[b\濉犳妽榇檚Q鈧琤榻瑰墘榈氱摂 铮祐^鎬盻閭N濉犳妽Y槎磋€傝仯0鈧亰0鑱d閷樿敍b妞0L鈧?W瑁嘦\I{鐭夘湦0f[u9hnc闄欓Ψ@bf[NN0绛T铮电兓R NN榄 铮靛tQ顥?r}Y 鎰癰椐涢煿顭皑0椐涢煿Yef[0FU顡?R!j閬0閴欒鐎冮瘓0{瑜樼€冮瘓铮?T顢愭⒋:g鍘彂瑜 铮0榻嶦?f閭朥S0閼藉儣鑸?nI{韫歀鍨禰榀0鐎冮瘓鑿 z-N 铮礷[u鎿介幏鑻竄P}Y鐎冮瘓{鐨 铮佃淮X[榇檚Q鍣€W[0U_楂0顮汫r0U_铻綢{D宕 铮甸寴姹?WU\:y榘丂b(u0鐎冮瘓瑙篲gT 铮礷[u妫嘯b鐎冮瘓Gl顧║\:y 铮祐^ c浜疊l琛忣棿*N绡樼€冮瘓顧↗T0!1\N顦伴崅鐎冮瘓 (Internship for Career) 閸曠€冮瘓睢 z:N,g瑜冮闊NN鑼?N'`鐎冮瘓鐥靛€怸ef[睢0閼?WOf[u鍝婇姁瑜熼儬t^閷榚g鍓xvzu---S闈?u椴栭闊归綆绂xvzu0閼NNxvzu鈧琔_鑷界0椐涢煿NN閷樿敍榇欒NN淇岄闊筜ef[0Ye鐬0FU顡橀闊0瑜NNUx闅璉{鍓?\N鑷界0鎯NhT鍓夌€僠N鐎冮瘓 铮甸閷Of[u韫Nek瀹戦啎灞絞绛0閭侇攼R鎭庣瑾 铮礯N楝磢Y0W鍝婇姁,gNN瑾Nu鍓夌€僂鏌礰绀 铮佃湴 鈧?N闄欓Ψ鈧x椐 0pT>yO`Y姝旈逗@x0'*(閸曠€冮瘓睢 z鎯藉粸杌x瀛寸€?Wx鍓夌__U\ 铮礷[b\濉犳妽灞絞绛0閭侇攼R鎭庣瑾板墘榈氱摂 铮祐^鎬盻閭N濉犳妽Y槎磋€傝仯0鈧亰0鑱d閷樿敍b妞0L鈧?W瑁嘦\I{鐭夘湦0f[u棰 鎰癰x椐涢煿钄涢礄sQNN鍓鈧x鑷界 铮典繉hQ榻嶡b g鍓夎笒ub?h鍓NN绛T0韪u绡榩e铮碘暉P鍍奞璜 铮0鈧珟瑜冮铮?TY璜 铮0榛^鑷界0U_璜疯嚱绀铮佃濠0瀛奟 铮06e9宓焋绀0VY銖慺[瑜㈣嚱绀犻寴钄涜NpT0鍗侴鎬歿铮b鈧 鎰癰x椐涢煿钄涢礄sQ鍓?\N鑷界 铮S闈?\NpT0楂伴剑鑷界0閷O'`(0鍗侴0*N绡樿U\0/f&TNNN榇檚QI{0鐎冮瘓鑿 z-N 铮礷[u鎿介幏鑻竄P}Y鐎冮瘓{鐨 铮佃淮X[榇檚Q鍣€W[0U_楂0顮汫r0U_铻綢{D宕 铮甸寴姹?WU\:y榘丂b(u0鐎冮瘓瑙篲gT 铮礷[u妫嘯b鐎冮瘓Gl顧║\:y 铮祐^ c浜疊l琛忣棿*N绡樼€冮瘓顧↗T0瑾N鐎僠N 铮礕raduation Internship 铮 }瑾N鐎僠N/f璩琭[u琛忔狈0RTYO濠NUSMO韫歀灞絞xvz0d鑼宕0榧T琚?u@bf[閸傝寭鍓夌€冮瘓Yef[鐥靛€0鎯藉綇[`Ne鍦桻睢XYef[瀛磃N,g閸傝寭鍓塏纭 铮甸枆槎0鐕v^ib'Y@bf[椐涢煿0FU顡0瑜0Yef[I{t绨ㄩ崅鑼 铮甸禋{Q瀛雏鏆璸f[u鑱i亰0榧T0楣奸倎R鎭 铮甸姁鐮嗙€僂鏍存櫩 铮甸潱钘岄導\O鍓夐焦姹0瑾N鐎僠N閷樿尋-N鐎僠N瀛Rce鐎僠N鍓塨___U\0f[u 鎰癰鐎僠NUSMON*NwQSO鍓夐拃閽戣箽L gsQ椐涢煿Yef[0椐涢煿瑜0榈Y8f鐎冭毇I{瀛撮闊NN gsQ鍓夎浕绛界€僠N0(W杌寸縿瀛b;N浜墘鐎僠N楦戭摌鍓夎嚱绀 N 铮礷[u棰?hnc鐎僠NUSMO鍓墂QSO鑷界瀛寸€僂妗氣偓姹 铮靛b琛NN妲濆墘^:W灞絞bYe鐬灞絞鐎僠N 铮甸禐鐎僠NUSMO鍓xvz鍟掗亝韫歀N妲灞絞Nxvz0鐎僠N鑿 z-N 铮礷[u鎿介幏鑻哥毃U_鐎僠N閷 铮佃淮X[榇檚Q鍣€W[0U_楂0顮汫r0U_铻綢{D宕0鐎僠N瑙篲gT 铮礷[u鎿介禐te*N瑾N鐎僠N韫歀鍦巂瑙 铮靛b瑾N鐎僠N顧↗T0R鐧RN (enteproneurship )t 閸曠€冮瘓^\宥Y榻庨煿濡礶f[{|NN鑼?N韫歀鍨妚鐎冮瘓鐥靛€?N鍓Ny 铮甸憰(W鐓碦f[uf[閷橀瓬(u 铮N榘侀Ι韫 铮礒QR瑁?c'Yf[u鍓R鐧抽焦姹0R 鎱呪偓姹0鐎b榻规被 铮代N瑾N绶ヮ攼瀛寸皑鍣€閷樿敍钄T鍓?\N0RNSb NZW鐎冨墘槎篅x0閸曠€冮瘓鐥靛€恞Q2f[R 铮?W,{2-7f[g鍖bsS棰0cdil 鐎冮瘓鍖瓱;N浜S闈铮甸闊筬[`NtQ顥\鑶0f[瑜冭炯[0R鐧硑姗唙0RNy姗唙0>yOg顡榶姗唙0鑰傜嚝f[/g>y閲0瑁噃鍫穠sQf[/gb娓圛{ 铮典函Bl琛忔狈榇欐摻缈刦N0缈f0b闁猆Sb鈧?`瑙侯櫒JT 铮甸焦Y琛忔狈鍣€W[0顮汫r0鑼愭喅I{鐑昏枴Pg妾堝墘 铮甸閷Nv^琛忔狈0sQ宥痜[R姒栨⒋ 铮佃€鈧琍鐒锋粌]N'Yf[sQ宥R鐧RN*N'`f[R鍓 gsQ鑶叉瓟 铮殿摬 gfnx鑶叉瓟鍓 铮 N楗泍姗唙-N锜㈠bvQ-N1y c1f[R顢愭⒋0 P閸曠€冮瘓^\宥Y榻庨煿濡礶f[{|NNRce鐎冮瘓鍓Ny 铮甸憰(W鎯鐓碦f[u槎撮綆铮靛儣 铮佃€NT{|顥碅mf[`N;m鈮 铮礒QR榈歿QY闊NNf[u鍓夐綆ES鑼愯瀿 铮代N钄T鍓?\N0RNSb NZW鐎冨墘槎篅x0Ff[!hN姝g0W>N婵洪綆E鏋籒Amy姗唙顤$焿榄fO 铮鐓碦f[u槎撮綆铮靛儣 铮佃€N榻嶦鏌瞺鑾?g鍒х€僠N0鎱g&^鐛忕€僠N0-NYT\O婵篺[顥碽c0榻嶦O鐣獻{T{|顥碅mf[`N;m鈮0 瑾N绨ㄥ檧铮电伐顢 铮?f,g瑜僘ef[鍓夎浕浜€冮瘓'`鐥靛€ 铮?fhQb妞慼瀵秄[u榧T }(N鐎冮瘓榻规被钄涢禋{QHe娓堝墘;N浜疜b绁0瑾N绨ㄥ檧铮电伐顢 铮靛墘(宓?fa鍩炬叒ef[4ls^0顡?hf[u瑾NNf[MOD宀鍓夎浕浜紒nc0 瑾N绨ㄥ檧铮电伐顢 铮靛墘槎?g椤呭墘 铮?f榈歿Qf[u榧T琚?u@bf[閸傝寭瀛粹偓b榻硅箽L鍫亂f[xvzb绶ヮ攼0閵愮爢鐎僂鏍存櫩妤鍓夐焦姹0鎯藉敬kN绨ㄥ檧铮电伐顢 铮电€冮瘓 铮甸禋{Qf[u鑽濆动顣?}鍓R鐧崇窏^y0%N鍎夘槹w鍓夎f[`顩勫%N(瀛妉鐎冨墘閷O\O铻0 UWX9 f[u?W,{Nf[g 鎰癰榛^v^nx姝 鎮 铮?W,{kQf[g瀛b绨ㄥ檧b瑜樼€冮瘓 铮电皑鍣€b瑜樼€冮瘓铔籝鍣慛姊嶅帳鑿?0% 铮祐^鎯藉弧{顭0/2 ASN0 gsQ榄f铮 W1.t绨鐎冮瘓鐥靛€N,鍊漑鎶?Wg-N0 2.:N绛笂濉犳妽Yef[楦戭摌 鎰礝睢0,{瀛Y闊0绛T!jWW妞MR鍓 0 3.鑰傜嚝T{|杈糩0瑁噃鍩″e0鈧L鈧ND宀缈刦N绀鏉匸R鑰鈧琭[!h榇檚Q鍣€榀?eV{0.鐧 姗 绡铮 Yef[b铮 f[閽€铮礲 铮祣{W[璎涢剹铮 铮*^o &c/AT 缇 D%顚 ?vE閼鐟鐎藝顏sU]  d顜磋MbP?_*+鈧%4n-MTW\`eilotx|&ffffff?'?\寰涜笩?(\寰?\?)閱鐡藉緯?" 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